busy-krk.pl - online timetables

Gostynin Plock coaches and buses - timetables

Carriers: MARQS

📅 Thursday 3 October, 17:01

The nearest departure of coaches and buses Plock - Gostynin

Plock → Gostynin

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
17:25 in 24mPłock ul. Jachowicza 40MARQS
17:45 in 44mPłock ul. Jachowicza 40MARQS
18:35 in 1h 34mPłock ul. Jachowicza 40MARQS
19:36 in 2h 35mPłock ul. Jachowicza 40MARQS
19:50 in 2h 49mPłock ul. Jachowicza 40MARQS

Gostynin → Plock

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
17:16 in 15mGostynin ul. 3 MajaMARQS
17:51 in 50mGostynin ul. 3 MajaMARQS
18:22 in 1h 21mGostynin ul. 3 MajaMARQS
18:44 in 1h 43mGostynin ul. 3 MajaMARQS
19:16 in 2h 15mGostynin ul. 3 MajaMARQS

Timetables updated on 27.03.2023

Should you search for the timetables of coaches and buses from Plock to Gostynin in other day than today (3.10) or tomorrow (4.10) please check the tabs with timetables below. Connection on route Gostynin - Plock is run by following carriers:

Carrier’s profile

📞 Tel.: (+48) 796 987 177

⏳ Duration: 36m

🌍 Route:

Plock ul. Jachowicza 40 - Gostynin ul. 3 Maja - Kutno

📈 Passengers's rating: 3.2 (votes: 44) • Add rating

From Plock to Gostynin

Mon. - Fri.SaturdaySunday
615 40615615
709 25 55725725
825 55
935 50935935
1100 27
1202 20 5012201220
1307 34 5513071307
1424 3214321432
1525 43 5215251525
1618 30
1725 4517251725
1936 50

From Gostynin to Plock

Mon. - Fri.SaturdaySunday
614 36 41636636
706 36 51
807 22 54822822
917 46917917
1021 52
1118 5711181118
1306 25 42 5313061306
1411 46 5314461446
1511 27 4615271527
1611 36 5616361636
1716 51
1822 4418221822
2021 3620212021

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