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How to get to Oswiecim from Krakow - the guide

📅 Sunday (non-trade) 16 February, 22:11

Below you find the answers for FAQ regarding the journey to Oswiecim from Krakow.

1. Carriers

The route Krakow - Oswiecim is operated by 2 carriers:

LAJKONIK carrier has been operating on this route for many years. Koleje Małopolskie launched a bus connection Kraków - Oświęcim (line A44) in 2025. Additionally, Koleje Małopolskie trains run on the SKA2 line (Kraków Główny - Skawina - Oświęcim) and SKA3 (Kraków Główny - Trzebinia - Oświęcim).

2. Where to buy a ticket and how much does it cost?

Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office at the Station, from the driver and online (carrier LAJKONIK - https://lajkonik.moj-bus.pl/, carrier Koleje Małopolskie - https://kolejemalopolskie.com.pl/). The price of a regular ticket is as follows:

Note: We may receive a discount when purchasing tickets online.

3. Where do the buses and trains depart from?

In Kraków, the common starting stop for each of the above-mentioned bus carriers is the MDA Station located at 18 Bosacka Street. SKA2 and SKA3 trains depart from the Main Railway Station.

There are 3 starting/ending stops in Oświęcim:

The maps showing the location of stops you can find below:

Location of Central Bus Station in Krakow

Location of the Kraków Główny Railway Station

Location of the starting stop: Oświęcim Dworzec PKP

Location of Oświęcim railway station

The closest stop to the museum is the Auschwitz Museum stop, which is located on its grounds. During opening hours, LAJKONIK buses depart from the stop at Więźniów Oświęcimia 55, and outside opening hours from the Oświęcim Muzeum PKS stop. Buses of the A44 Koleje Małopolskie line depart from the stop Dworzec PKP in Oświęcim (buses do not stop on the museum grounds).

The distance from Krakow to Oświęcim in a straight line is over 50 km. The fastest way is by train SKA3, which takes a little over 1 hour, while trains SKA2 and LAJKONIK take a little longer (over 1 hour and 20 minutes). The longest journey time is by bus line A44 (about 2 hours).

4. Where can I find timetables?

Check the timetables of buses to Auschwitz. That's all, enjoy the journey!

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💬 Questions and Answers (4)

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How can i go and return by train to Auschwitz?



Why I can't choose the destination Oświęcim when I choose the departure from Kraków on website https://lajkonik.moj-bus.pl/? Thank you.

busy-krk.pl ❤️

Hi, what date do you choose?

Paula ❤️

Hi, I would like to buy for 8th March 2020, but I try with 3rd March 2020 and the same way I can't choose Oświęcim.
Thank you for your help. Paula.