busy-krk.pl - online timetables

Busko-Zdroj Warsaw coaches and buses - timetables

Carriers: PKS Polonus, FlixBus and Muszkieter

📅 Thursday 3 October, 17:05

The nearest departure of coaches and buses Warsaw - Busko-Zdroj

Warsaw → Busko-Zdroj

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
8:00 tomorrowWarszawa Dworzec ZachodniPKS Polonus

Busko-Zdroj → Warsaw

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
18:45 in 1h 40mBusko-Zdrój ul. Waryńskiego D.A.FlixBus
13:25 tomorrowBusko-Zdrój ul. Waryńskiego D.A.PKS Polonus
18:45 tomorrowBusko-Zdrój ul. Waryńskiego D.A.FlixBus

Timetables updated on 01.07.2022

Should you search for the timetables of coaches and buses from Warsaw to Busko-Zdroj in other day than today (3.10) or tomorrow (4.10) please check the tabs with timetables below. Connection on route Busko-Zdroj - Warsaw is run by following carriers:

Carrier’s profile

📞 Tel./Booking: (+48) 703 403 403 (2,58 PLN/min)

⏳ Duration: 5h 5m

🌍 Route:

Line POL16: Warsaw Dworzec Zachodni - Grojec - Bialobrzegi - Radom - Skarzysko-Kamienna - Kielce - Busko-Zdroj ul. Warynskiego D.A. - Stopnica - Szczucin - Dabrowa Tarnowska - Tarnow - Czchow - Lososina Dolna - Nowy Sacz - Labowa - Krynica-Zdroj

📈 Passengers's rating: 3.1 (votes: 258) • Add rating

From Warsaw to Busko-Zdroj

Runs daily

From Busko-Zdroj to Warsaw

Runs daily

Carrier’s profile

🎫 Online tickets: https://www.flixbus.pl/

⏳ Duration: 3h 15

🌍 Route:

Line 1250: Warsaw Dworzec Zachodni - Kielce - Busko-Zdroj ul. Warynskiego D.A. - Rzeszow

📈 Passengers's rating: 3.1 (votes: 113) • Add rating

From Warsaw to Busko-Zdroj

Runs daily

From Busko-Zdroj to Warsaw

Runs daily

Carrier’s profile

⏳ Duration:

🌍 Route:

Warsaw - Busko-Zdroj

📈 Passengers's rating: 2.3 (votes: 6) • Add rating

From Warsaw to Busko-Zdroj


From Busko-Zdroj to Warsaw


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